Ministry of Time Travel Logo

There has been several attempts to tackle the time travel phenomenon.

Why are we doing this?

As the time travel traffic becomes more and more popular we want to be ready for the chaos. We are stepping forward to regulate the time travel sector and would like to monitor it in the future.

How to be a part of it?

There are currently mutliple ways you can support Ministry of Time Travel.

Subscribe to our newsletter / twitter / instagram and facebook accounts. Check the bottom of the page.

You are now able to purchase digital Time Travel tickets as a souvenir / gift for your own or friend’s birthdays. They also make a fantastic easy to send Anniversairy gift. Send them a gift of a travel ticket to go back in time of a significant event. 



Be ready for your next time trip and get some of our time travel official gear.  Check out our store.

What Next

We are time travel enthusiasts and we are using the profits from the sales to support the development of our upcoming time travel related animated tv series.

It’s time to get your gear and connect with us to be the first to know about all the future opportunities.

One Comment
December 16, 2019 3:50 pm

Wow am excited about the prospect of time travel and hope it happens when am still alive but even if it happens when am dead then i could also be apart of it as someone’s past

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About Us

Ministry of Time Travel is an entertaining project created by time travel enthusiasts.